It has taken about
a year but I
think (knock on wood that I am not jinxing myself) Emma is finally, totally and completely potty trained! She has gone the last week or so with nothing but her panties!
We started the last part of May last year - we had early success and thought it was going to be super easy, but then we went to Alaska for vacation, she did pretty well there, but when we got home she started regressing and it was like starting over. Then we went though all the weird stages... her being too busy playing to actually go in the potty, her going in the potty but a tiny bit in her panties first, then we went a LONG time (like 4-5 months or maybe even longer) when she was perfect in the day and even during her naps but then at night time she would use a pull up and wake up totally full. But the last week or so she just randomly started being dry at night, in the past when this has happen and I try the panties it's like she gets stage fright and goes that night. But after a few nights of a dry Pull Up we decided to give panties a try at night... IT WORKED!!! So we of course had a big celebration that morning and it has continued!
When I told Jared that she is officially potty trained, he thought I was silly because she really has been close to perfect (during the day) for a long time and he thinks that she has been potty trained for a while. But in my eyes there was still one more hump to get over and I think WE DID IT!!! Not a moment too soon either - we have done it in the past so I know we can do two kids in diapers, but three was NOT going to happen! So lucky for everyone that she finally got it before Baby arrived.
I think it is funny how every baby is so different - I mean my friend Janelle just blogged that her 17 month old (Carson's age) is starting to get interested in her potty and is being successful - Carson on the other hand we are still trying to find a good night time diaper he won't pee through - not to mention I don't even let him in the bathroom most of the time, because he likes to "play in the water". So to me it is even funnier how my kids love to be on the difficult side of that "different", but I will say that...
it makes success even sweeter! Good Job Emma Lou Lou - you are the best, my big girl!!!