Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Sleeping Arrangments

Harrison is colic-y, he is super cute and wonderful, but his favorite thing to do at night especially, is cry. Today Jared was talking to one of the assistants he works with and she suggested putting him on the dryer!!! Apparently the noise, vibration and even the warmth help them calm down. I am not kidding - he went from crazy upset to deep sleep in seconds - and I am getting laundry done!!!

So guess where Harrison is going to hang out at night from now on... not screaming in my ear!

Don't worry, I am not going to leave him there all night, just long enough - to make sure he is really asleep. :)


Sarah said...

we used to sleep aiden in the bathroom with the fan and the shower going because running water made him sleep better. haha, anything that works! harrison is so precious though! what a sweet boy! congrats on baby #3!!

Stacy W. said...

OMG, OMG, OMG, I am so glad you found me on facebook!! You have three kids!!! and so do I!!!! crazy, huh? you look so good! I need to talk to you!! So much time has gone by, lets chat!! 949-709-4999. luvs and luvs and kisses. P.S. are you a hygienist!?

Grandma Tii said...

You need to duct tape it to the dryer so he doesn't bounce off!!!! Man I wish I could hold him. I wouldn't care if he cried......I miss the kids soooooo much! Love you....you are funny, but I sure hope he gets feeling better....makes me sad.

Pratt Family said...

Poor mommy & daddy!!! When are you sleeping? Sure hope this dryer trick works for the little guy. Hopefully he out grows the colicky phase sooner than later. Hang in there!!!

Sara said...

Hey I want in for the shwoing of New Moon!! Its the 12:00 midnight showing right? I am so there let me know how much I owe you!! Hey we should do t-shirts or something and all match.