Monday, March 1, 2010

Sleep Training Again

Today I spent the afternoon rearranging the cribs and beds to where I wanted them. I took one of the cribs apart that was in Carson's room, put it back together in Emma's room for Harrison, moved Emma's bed into Carson's room, took the other crib that was in Carson's room and replaced a part that had been broken - which meant taking it apart and putting back together again. Long story short - Emma and Carson are now roommates and Harrison is in Emma's room for a while. Once he is a better sleeper I think I will move him in with Carson, but for now he is on his own.

So far Emma and Carson are doing okay. They were both so excited to be with each other for bed time. They went to bed with no problems or stalling - just like a normal night. Maybe beginners luck... we'll see.

The biggest reason we wanted Harrison in his own room was for "sleep training". Tonight we are going to let him cry. I do go in after 5 minutes - I just try to calm - I don't pick up and I don't stay for more then a minute. Then after a couple 5 minute rounds I wait 10 minutes, then after a few 10 minute rounds I wait 15 - I have never gone longer then 15 minutes and I really don't plan to tonight. He is a stubborn baby - I think tonight is going to be rough.

The first night we sleep trained Emma was forever - she was older like Harrison and equally stubborn. She took about 5-7 days - the first 2 nights were awful and then it got easier from there. Carson we did at 4 months - it was hard because he was so little, but it went quick - only 1 hard night and 2 other mildly rough nights. It sucks to hear them so sad, but I need him to sleep better - we will all be happier when he is a better sleeper.

Oh Harrison, go to sleep little buddy - I know in the long run it is so much better to do this and have him be a good sleeper - I know we did this with the others and they are about the best sleeper I could ever ask for - I know he is not hurt and he is okay - I know all that.. but this really sucks.

1 comment:

Jill said...

That is crazy that you moved all the beds around. Did Carson get up when Harrison crys? I have Kate and Kylie in the same room and she sleeps though anything. The other night, Kate blew out of her diaper and was screaming. I went in, turned the light on got her all changed and got her a bottle...sat down in the rocking chair and realized...oops Kylie is asleep over there. I am blessed to have good sleepers! It is amazing how fast kids adapt. Good Luck!