Thursday, October 2, 2008


So recently I did a personality profile with my office, it was supposed to help us understand each other better and work better together (we work great together, but it was a small part of a bigger "office building" thing we were doing, it is a LONG story and I am not up for detailing it right now or probably ever).

So big surprise it came out that I was extroverted - if you don't know that about me - please X out of this page, you are a stranger and I would rather you not be looking at my life. Other things I found - I have a hard time "not leading" ... actually it said "I can't not lead", my comment - I would rather not lead, but then others don't lead as well as I do, so I have to help them. So really it should say "can't not help." Other things I learned, or rather, others learned about me... I follow my gut over facts. Also, I would rather hear the facts in a conversation, get to the point, rather then all the extra "flowery stuff". This is often a problem in my mind, because when people talk to me I often have an inner monologue with myself about how I wish they would stop talking and just tell me what I need to know - this happens at work more then anywhere else. I try to listen patiently, but unfortunately one of the other things that was let out of the bag with this "profile" is that I can be impatient. This is something that I have to work on - I think kids help you to be patient, I really do think that. But then you have husbands also, who have a counter effect on the patients you just learned from the kids... interesting how families work. :)

There was other stuff that was more "positive" about my profile, but this is what I heard first and I got impatient to hear the other stuff so at this point in the "profile" is where the "inner monologue" came in.

Interesting huh? I think I should end this by saying I am not sure I buy into all this stuff, maybe it is the "gut" intuition talking, but I kinda feel like what is the point... should I hand out my personalty findings to all those that I interact with through out my life. I think it is interesting, but I think it is just that, a conversation piece - like right here.


Molly said...

LOL - ok, when I read extroverted, I had to type it into Word because I didn't know what it meant. Then when the synonyms were overenthusiastic, talkative, loud, fussy I had to laugh! YEP - that's Summer alright.

I like how you said there were more positive things, but you were not patient enough to hear them! That's funny

Life, Love and a Lil Sauce said...

I think I will forward this to Jeri ...

Pratt Family said...

what a great conversation piece Summer...personality profiles are good but usually seem to cause more stress I think. You're funny...I enjoyed hearing the true outcome as well as the inner-self comments. You're great!!! Hope it helps everyone work better at work!!!

Sherrie said...

Major patience needed with a certain football team this evening, eh?

Becky said...

Are you serious? Don't beat around the bush. Let's talk this through. I have strong feelings about his personality thing. I think I will work on that until I solve it.

michellecluff said...

so funny. I never would have pegged you for an extrovert... haha. You make me laugh. I think you and I will get along just great!