The last week or so Carson has not been wanting cooked foods. He will have a bite or two of whatever we give him - but he usually doesn't eat it all. So this is usually what he eats (and a variety of other fruits or veggies). He started this meal by working down 2 green pepper slices while I cut up the rest. Here he is eating watermelon, strawberries, cucumber and pear slices. He is so funny - he even prefers this over his old favorite - ANY CARB AVAILABLE.
Wait I should probably say - he still will eat Carbs (still loves his pancakes or waffles in the morning), he has not given those up altogether, he just prefers these - so don't worry, he has not gone totally over the "raw vegan" edge!
How funny. Maybe he just doesn't like warm food. If it sat out for a while, would he eat it then? Maybe he burnt himself one time and is scared? Although, there is definitely nothing wrong with him eating raw fruits and veggies!
He's just eating the food his "real" daddy would want him too.
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